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New Construction

Bishop Construction Service Plans:


Are you retired, Disabled, Lack the knowledge, or You do not have the tools then a Bishop Construction Service Plan is what you need. Each plan offers an amazing value and when used you will SAVE $100's if not $1000's in repair costs with us. Let us take care of you and your family. See which plans fits you below and please call for additional details.

Compare us to the competition:

Most Contractors:

- Trip Charge: $85-$150+

- Hourly Rate: $85-$150+

- Minimum Service Fees of $250+     for small jobs

- No Call No Show when time to start

- Surprise Charges after the fact

- Many do not have all the proper licensing, bonding or insurance credentials.

Bishop Construction is not implying or accusing any contractors

Bishop Constrution:

- Trip Charge $50

- Hourly Rate $65

- No Minimum Service Fees for small     jobs. Just standard rates.

- If we do not Call or Show the day       of scheduled service you get 20%       Off.

- No Surprise Charges after the         fact, if not on paper you do not pay.

- We are licensed, bonded, and insured at all times.

Basic Plan - $19.99 per month*

$2300 Value!!!!

You as a BC Basic Member will receive: (Per year)


Pick 2 Annual Inspections:

-Roof Inspection

-Energy Audit

-Exterior Inspection

-Fire Prevention Inspection


10% Off All Home Improvements up to $1,000 in total discounts.


3 - Service calls that includes trip charge and 1 hour of service time at NO ADDTIONAL COST.


NO Waiting Period

NO Deductible

You can use the same day as signup

* 1 year term applies

Preferred Plan - $29.99 per month*

$2600 Value!!!!

You as a BC Preferred Member will receive: (Per year)


Pick 2 of the Annual Inspections:

-Roof Inspection

-Energy Audit

-Exterior Inspection

-Fire Prevention Inspection


10% Off All Home Improvements up to $1,000 in total discounts.


4 - Service call that includes trip charge and 1 hour of service time at NO ADDTIONAL COST.


NO Waiting Period

NO Deductible

You can use the same day as signup

* 1 year term applies


Deluxe Plan - $39.99 per month*

$3100 Value!!!!

You as a BC Deluxe Member will receive: (Per year)


Pick 2 of the Annual Inspections:

-Roof Inspection

-Energy Audit

-Exterior Inspection

-Fire Prevention Inspection


10% Off All Home Improvements up to $1,250 in total discounts.


5 - Service calls that includes trip charge and 1 hour of service time at NO ADDTIONAL COST.


NO Waiting Period

NO Deductible

You can use the same day as signup

*1 year term applies


Home Maintenance Plan- $79.99 per month*

$4400 Value!!!!

You as a BC Home Maintenance Member will receive: (Per year)


Pick 2 of the Annual Inspections:

-Roof Inspection

-Energy Audit

-Exterior Inspection

-Fire Prevention Inspection


12.5% Off All Home Improvements up to $2,500 in total discounts.


5 - Services that includes trip charge and 1 hour of service time at NO ADDTIONAL COST.


1- Annual Gutter Cleaning


1- Annual Pressure Washing


1- Annual Hot Water Tank Drain and Refill


4- Annual Home HVAC Filter Replacement service calls (Filters Included)


NO Waiting Period

NO Deductible

You can use the same day as signup

*1 year term applies



Do you need a deck, a bathroom remodeled or a new kitchen. Call and request a quote.


You may THINK you do not have damage. Better be safe than sorry, let a professional look at it. CALL US.


Did you put a hole in your wall, a tile was broken or had some siding repair etc. We will be fair. Call for availability.

Custom Home Builder
Certified Installer
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